SCH Number 2003061023

Project Info

Legacy Estates Tract Map
The project is a request by the agents, Urban Planning Concepts, for the applicants, Den Street Partners, for approval of a Tentative Tract Map (02TRM-00000-00007/TM 14,608) to subdivide land totaling 16.67 acres gross and 13.38 acres net, into 59 parcels ranging in size between 8,877 sf to 16,875 sf gross in the 7-R-1 zone district under Article III (Inland Zoning Ordinance) and pursuant to the provisions of County Code Chapter 21 (Subdivision Regulations). The application involves Assessor's Parcel Numbers 101-201-001, 101-202-001, 101-231-001, 101-232-001, 101-233-001, 101-234-001, & 101-242-001 located mostly west of Den Street and south of Coiner Street in the southwest corner of Los Alamos within the urban boundary, Third Supervisorial District.
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6 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Santa Barbara County Storm Drain Outfall for Los Alamos Development Project Tract 14608 (Streambed Alteration Agreement No. EPIMS-SBA-17397-R5
Santa Barbara County Legacy Estates Tract Map
Santa Barbara County Legacy Estates Tract Map
Santa Barbara County Legacy Estates Tract Map
Santa Barbara County Legacy Estates Tract Map
Santa Barbara County Legacy Estates Tract Map