SCH Number 2003011076

Project Info

Tank Farm Silt Removal
A seasonal unnamed tributary to East Fork San Luis Obispo Creek flows through a bottomless concrete box culvert at the intersection of Tank Farm Road and Hollyhock Road in the City of San Luis Obispo. Sediment has accumulated in the culvert and has reduced the flow capacity of water in the creek. The proposed project would remove approximately 12 cubic yards of sediment from the box culvert to restore the original capacity of the culvert. Sediment would be removed to a depth equal to the channel bottom immediately upstream from the culvert, leaving a low-flow channel to facilitate flow through the culvert. A minimal amount of riparian vegetation would be trimmed to allow access to the project site, and invasive vegetation would be removed from the site. The project is necessary to restore the original capacity of the culvert in the event that high flows occur during upcoming winter storms.
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3 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of San Luis Obispo Tank Farm Road Bridge Silt Removal Project (ER 107-02)
City of San Luis Obispo Tank Farm Silt Removal
City of San Luis Obispo Tank Farm Silt Removal