SCH Number 2002112072

Project Info

City of San Leandro - Housing Element Update
The project is the updated Housing Element of the San Leandro General Plan. The new Element would replace the 1989 Housing Element, establishing updated policies and programs relating to housing construction, preservation, and affordability. Completion of this update is required by State Law. The Element must show that the City can accommodate its fair share of the region's housing needs over a 7-1/2 year period, through 2006. San Leandro' fair share "assignment" for the 1999-2006 period, as determined by ABAG, is 871 units including 353 affordable income units. As of early 2002, all of the moderate-income units have been constructed. Including affordable housing projects that have either been constructed or are committed to construction, a remaining 202 affordable units are needed to satisfy RHND goals for affordable housing production.
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2 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of San Leandro City of San Leandro - Housing Element Update
City of San Leandro City of San Leandro - Housing Element Update