SCH Number 2002091105

Project Info

Clovis Landfill Expansion and Permitting Project
-A decrease in permitted facility acreage from 76.6 to 76.3; -Decrease in remaining capacity from 7,740,000 to 6,600,000; -A change in the estimated closure year from 2047 to 2053; -Clarifications in the permit regarding daily tonnage and vehicle counts.
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5 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Clovis A Modified Solid Waste Facilities Permit for City of Clovis
City of Clovis Clovis Landfill Expansion and Permitting Project
City of Clovis Clovis Landfill Expansion and Permitting Project
City of Clovis Clovis Landfill Expansion and Permitting Project
City of Clovis Clovis Landfill Expansion and Permitting Project