SCH Number 2002011064
Project Info
- Title
- Sabre Springs Transit Center
- Description
- The proposed project consists of the development of a 5.64-acre transit center that would include ten bus bays, an approximately 167-vehicle park-and-ride lot, a kiss and ride drop-off area, transit-related furnishings including shelters and benches and an access road connecting to a proposed Direct Access Ramp (DAR) in conjunction with the California Department of Transportation's (Caltrans) Interstate I-15 Managed Lanes Project. The DAR would provide direct access to and from I-15 HOV lanes and is not part of the proposed project. Landscaping would be installed along the site perimeter and in select areas within the proposed facility. Overhead lighting would be installed, where appropriate, to provide adequate lighting during early morning and nighttime operations. A retaining wall would be constructed along the north side of the proposed access road from the transit center to the DAR. Proposed circulation improvements would include provision of two vehicular access points (one from Sabre Springs Parkway and another from Evening Creek Drive), installation of a traffic signal interconnect system between Ted Williams Parkway and Evening Creek Drive, and provision of several vehicular travel lane configurations at the proposed access points and within the proposed transit center.
3 documents in project