SCH Number 2001112099

Project Info

Truckee Trails and Bikeways Master Plan Program
The Trails and Bikeways Master Plan serves as a long-range planning document for paved and dirt trails, bikeways, and walkways for the Town of Truckee. The purpose of the plan is to increase recreational, and active transportation opportunities for the benefit of Truckee area residents, visitors, and workers. The network will link the Town's historic downtown, residential and commercial areas, and recreational, educational, natural and historic resources and plan for connections to regional public lands, trails and bikeways.
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3 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Truckee Truckee Trails and Bikeways Master Plan Program
City of Truckee Truckee Trails and Bikeways Master Plan and Final Environmental Impact Report
City of Truckee Truckee Trails and Bikeways Master Plan and Final Environmental Impact Report