SCH Number 2001092017

Project Info

Old Oaks Estates Water Line (PLN2000-00251)
The project is the extension of a 12-inch steel waterline across Mission Creek to service a four-lot subdivision across Mill Creek Road in Fremont. A trench will be cut across the stream channel in an area without any riparian vegetation. A backhoe, small crane, and welding equipment will be used on site adjacent to the stream. No equipment will operate in the stream. Concrete will be pumped into the trench around the steel waterline. The total work window is apprximately 30 days. It will take approximately 5 active work days to complete the activity. CDFG is executing a Lake and Streambed Alteration Agreement Number R3-2000-1321 pursuant to Section 1603 of the Fish and Game Code to the project applicant, Ms. Nancy Negring.
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4 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Fremont Old Oaks Estates Water Line
City of Fremont Old Oaks Estates Water Line
City of Fremont Old Oaks Estates Water Line (PLN2000-00251)
City of Fremont Old Oaks Estates Water Line