SCH Number 2001061105

Project Info

Forebay Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) Project
Two systems to treat chlorinated VOCs in the forebay of the Orange County groundwater basin would be constructed. Both systems would be constructed in existing parking lots of industrial/commercial complexes. Each system would include the following components: (1) an extraction well; (2) an advanced oxidation (AO) treatment system; (3) a residual treatment system (a liquid-phase granular activated carbon (LGAC) treatment system and/or an air stripping system; and (4) an injection well. Each system would be modular and would be constructed and operated on an approximately 1,500-square-foot concrete pad.
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Orange County Water District Forebay Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) Project
Orange County Water District Forebay Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) Project