SCH Number 2001061055
Project Info
- Title
- East Linda Vista Trunk Sewer Phase II
- Description
- City Council approval of Capital Improvement Project No. 461621 for the abandonment of approximatley 5,450 linear feet of existing 18-inch diameter sewer main, laterals and manholes, the realignment and open-trench installation of approximately 4,800 linear feet of new 8-inch diameter sewer mains, laterals, and manholes, and the rehabilitation/upgrade of approximately 3,250 linear feet of existing 18-inch diameter sewer main and manholes utilizing trenchless pipe-burst and slip-lining technologies. In addition, approximately 398 linear feet of existing 6-inch and 368 linear feet of existing 4-inch cast iron water pipe would be replaced with a new 8-inch water pipe. New sewer main installation will include improvements to service connections, restoration of concrete pavement, pedesrian ramps, slurry seal, restriping and related improvements.
3 documents in project