SCH Number 2001032115
Project Info
- Title
- Genome Launch Facility (Tiered from 1994022005)
- Description
- The proposed project is a one-story, 21,000 gross sq. ft. facility to provide space for programs that pursue genomics and bioinformatics and will subsequently house programs in seed biotechnology. The facility includes space for research laboratories, a small animal holding area, open office space, and administrative and support areas. The site of the proposed project is on the UC Davis campus, in the western end of the central campus near Highway 113. The project site is bound on the north by Extension Center Drive and to the south by Hutchinson Drive. The site is currently occupied by two greenhouses, a lath house, a head-house, and a shop building. The project is adjacent to the Bowley Plant Sciences Teaching Center and Student Farm.
2 documents in project