SCH Number 2001032012

Project Info

Sierra Valley General Plan Amendment
The proposed amendments will change General Plan land use designations from Low Density (3 to 20 acre) Residential to Important Agricultural areas. Approximately 2,443 acres are proposed to be changed from Low Density Residential to General Agriculture. The overall effect of the proposal would decrease the number of potential lots by 1,204 throughout the Sierra Valley Study area. A number of additional permitted and conditionally permitted uses are being proposed. Lastly, several new biological constraint maps are proposed to be adopted as part of the Plumas County General Plan. These constraint maps will be used to evaluate environmental compatibility of uses requiring discretionary approval, such as special use permits, permits to mine, tentative maps and others.
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2 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Plumas County Sierra Valley General Plan Amendment
Plumas County Sierra Valley General Plan Amendment GPA# 5-97/98-15