SCH Number 2001029020
Project Info
- Title
- Western Midway Sunset Cogeneration Company Project
- Description
- The Western Midway Sunset Cogeneration Company (MSCC) Project involves the construction, operation and maintenance of a 500-megawatt natural gas fired combined cycle power plant. The project includes the power plant on a 10-acre site, a 19-mile 230 kV transmission line, and a 1.8-mile water supply pipeline. The project will result in impacts to the San Joaquin antelope squirrel, giant kangaroo rat, Tipton kangaroo rat, San Joaquin kit fox, Bakersfield saltbush, California jewelflower, and Bakersfield cactus, which are protected under the California Endangered Species Act, requiring issuance of a California Incidental Take Permit (Permit).
2 documents in project