SCH Number 2000122078

Project Info

Harding Boulevard to Royer Park Bikeway Project
To construct a new Class 1 bike trail; to construct two new retaining walls; to construct a new gabion wall; to place vegetated rock slope protection; to install a new metal rail; to authorize an existing 24 inch diameter reinforced concrete drainage pipe; and to construct a new rock energy dissipater for the drainage pipe.
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5 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Roseville Harding Boulevard to Royer Park Bikeway Project
City of Roseville Harding Boulevard to Royer Park Bike Trail Project - Segment 3 (Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2015-0258-R2)
City of Roseville Harding Boulevard to Royer Park Bikeway Project
City of Roseville Harding Boulevard to Royer Park Bikeway Project
City of Roseville Harding Boulevard to Royer Park Bikeway Project