SCH Number 2000092023
Project Info
- Title
- Penfold, Bay Street Apartments, Phase Two (CDP-06-01)
- Description
- A coastal development for Phase Two of an apartment complex. Phase Two includes the development of one four-unit two-story apartment building and two two-car carports, a two-car parking lot, drainage improvements and natural resource protection measures. The existing one-story wood frame shed will remain and no development will occur beyond (east of) the City/Coastal Commission jurisdiction line. On November 7, 2000, the City Council of the City of Eureka adopted a Mitigated Negative Declaration and approved a coastal development permit for Phase One of the apartment complex (CDP-04-00). The mitigated negative declaration for the revised Phase Two was revised from that earlier circulated which had a comment period ending Ocotber 8, 2001; pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15073.5, the revisions are not "substantial revisions" and therefore, did not require recirculation of the document. The coastal development permit is not appealable to the Coastal Commission.
3 documents in project