SCH Number 1993114003

Project Info

Santa Paula Creek Sediment Removal Project
NOTE: Addendum EZ / FONSI The Final SEIS/EIR (1995) identified that cleanout would occur, on average, at about 3 to 4 year intervals (varying from 1 to 2 year intervals to up to 10 year intervals). Floods would cover vegetation in the stream with sediment every 3 to 4 years, on average, but this could occur more or less frequently. The footprint of deposited sediment would extend about 1.8 miles. Cleanout would be required after major floods; and when deposition within the channel would be 120,000 to 350,000 cy. Historically, an average of about 200,000 cy of material have been removed during cleanouts. The riffles and pools that develop in the stream bed between flood events would be covered by sediment during floods; after flood events, periodic future sediment removal would clean the channel to the 1977 invert. Over time, the riffles and pools that provide aquatic habitat would reestablish in the channel. The project would consist of sediment from within the existing fish ladder tapering off into a pilot channel 600 meters (1969 ft) downstream of Highway 126 at the confluence of the Santa Clara River. The amount of material to be excavated is ~255,000 cm (333,500 cubic yards) which includes the sediment in between the existing fish ladder at the north end of the project to the confluence of the Santa Clara River. The amounts being excavated vary between stations.
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4 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
United States Army, Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Santa Paula Creek Sediment Removal Project
United States Army, Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Santa Paula Creek Sediment Removal Project
United States Army, Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Draft Supplemental EA for Santa Paula Creek
United States Army, Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Santa Paula Creek Channel