SCH Number 1991071053

Project Info

Rancho Los Amigos Medical Center Master Plan
The purpose of the 2014 refined project is to relocate the previously approved warehouse structure on the North Campus of the Rancho Los Amigos Medical Center, allocate space for a new Accessible Gymnasium, Wellness and Aquatic Therapy Center on the campus, and document the location of up to 55,000 sq. ft. of temporary modular buildings for the construction phase. The other elements of the approved project would remain unchanged, and there would be no net increase in total sq. ft. of buildings from the approved project. The original EIR was certified on April 7, 1992, and EIR Addendum No. 1 was certified on April 19, 2013. The EIR Addendum was prepared for refinements to the project that did no increase the severity of any of the originally disclosed impacts or create new impacts that were not analyzed in the original document. Therefore, no new mitigation measures were required, and no new findings were required. The original 1992 MMRP remains enforced.
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4 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Los Angeles County EIR Addendum No. 2 for North Campus Site Consolidation Project (Original EIR certified in 1992)
Los Angeles County North Campus Site Consolidation
Los Angeles County Rancho Los Amigos Medical Center Master Plan
Los Angeles County Rancho Los Amigos Medical Center Master Plan