SCH Number 1989080910
Project Info
- Title
- CP 89213 TR 47807
- Description
- The CDFG is entering into a Lake and Streambed Alteration Agreement (SAA #1600-2010-0204-R5 revision2) with Sikand Engineering, pursuant to Section 1602 of the Fish and Game Code. Sikand Engineering intends to alter the streambed by altering three unnamed tributaries (drainages) within a 114-acre parcel proposed for development of a 33-lot subdivision. A total of 0.86 acres will be permanently impacted by filling in these areas. Two remaining drainages on site will be outside of the grading limits and not impacted. The site will also contain three debris basins and one large detention basin which will outlet in to Romero Canyon Creek. The project boundaries for impacts extend to the north outside of the parcel owned by the Permittee (0.054 acres of impact to jurisdictional areas). Documentation was provided by the adjacent landowner that allows grading impacts to occur within these areas, which are identified within the grading plans. This project is also related to previous project described under Notification No. 1600-2006-0370-R5, submitted by the same Permittee. However, no agreement was finalized for this previous notification and certain aspects of the project have changed in comparison with the past and current project scope.
2 documents in project