SCH Number 1988053010

Project Info

North Central Roseville Specific Plan
The California Department of Fish and Game is executing Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement number 1600-2010-0043-R2, pursuant to Section 1602 of the Fish and Game Code to the project applicant, City of Roseville. The project is limited to construction of a bike and walking trail bridge crossing over an unnamed tributary of Pleasant Grove Creek in order to connect the existing bike trail along the creek. The creek will be temporarily diverted around the construction site. Upstream and downstream check dams will be installed and the impounded water pumped through pipes through the construction site. Concrete abutments will be installed for the bridge and riprap will be placed around the base of each abutment to protect against undermining and erosion of the bank around the abutments during times of high creek flow. Construction will take place when stream flows are at the lowest. It is believed that only one willow tree may need to be removed. All other impacts are anticipated to be temporary in nature. An area appropriate native grass seed mix will be hydroseeded over the disturbed areas following completion of all construction activities.
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