West Ward Avenue Improvements Phase 2


SCH Number
Public Agency
City of Ridgecrest
Document Title
West Ward Avenue Improvements Phase 2
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The proposed project is within the City of Ridgecrest (Kern County) and includes resurfacing approximately 2,600 linear feet of West Ward Avenue between North Norma Street and North Downs Street with localized repairs, installing ADA-compliant curb ramps and commercial driveways, minor repairs to broken curb and gutter, and signing & striping. Ward Avenue is a 4-lane roadway with a striped median designated as a major east-west travel corridor (secondary street) by the Circulation Element of the City of Ridgecrest General Plan. The resurfacing is anticipated to consist of 1.75-inch Cold Mill, a 0.5-inch leveling course, GlasGrid in the travel lanes, and a layer of 1.25-inch Hot Mix Asphalt. In addition to the pavement resurfacing, the project includes re-excavating/backfilling an approximately 67’L x 6’W x 8’D trench across W. Ward Ave. on the west side of Downs St., and an approximately 20’L x 4’W x 8’D trench at the southwest corner of W. Ward Ave. and Sierra View St. for replacement storm drain pipes. The project has independent utility and will not require future construction to function. The project does not require new right-of-way for construction. The project does not involve landscaping activities that use known invasive plant species. All work is within operational right-of-way. Setting: West Ward Avenue is bordered by residential, commercial and institutional land uses. There is no natural habitat within or immediately adjacent to the project boundaries. See Project Location aerial view (Figure 2) below. Beneficiaries: The general public will benefit from an improved road surface and ride quality for vehicles and bicycles. Residents and visitors to the City will benefit from the improved ride quality. Persons using wheelchairs or other mobility devices will benefit from new ADA-compliant ramps at West Ward’s intersections.

Contact Information

Heather Spurlock
Agency Name
City of Ridgecrest
Job Title
City Planner
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency

Travis Reed
Agency Name
City of Ridgecrest
Job Title
Deputy City Manager/Public Works Director
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency


ridgec, Ridgecrest
Cross Streets
West Ward Avenue between Norma Street and Downs Street

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Class 1: Repair/Maintenance of Existing Streets and Highways
Reasons for Exemption
The project is limited to re-surfacing the existing street, installing ADA-compliant curb ramps, repairing existing sidewalk segments, placing signage and striping, and replacing existing storm drain piping.
County Clerk


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