Issuance of a General Lease – Industrial Use
SCH Number
Public Agency
California State Lands Commission
Document Title
Issuance of a General Lease – Industrial Use
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
Authorize issuance of a General Lease – Industrial Use beginning September 24, 2022, for a term of 25-years, for the use and maintenance of an of an existing sugar refinery, dock, 42-inch diameter outfall line, and appurtenant facilities.
Contact Information
Christopher Huitt
Agency Name
California State Lands Commission
Job Title
Senior Environmental Scientist
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Contra Costa
San Francisco Bay Area
Cross Streets
830 Loring Avenue
Total Acres
29.39 acres
State Highways
Highway 80
Union Pacific Railway
Carquinez Strait
Other Location Info
29.39 acres, more or less, of sovereign land located in the Carquinez Strait, adjacent to 830 Loring Avenue, Crockett, Contra Costa County.
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
CLASS 1, EXISTING FACILITIES (Cal. Code Regs., tit. 14, § 15301)
Reasons for Exemption
Issuance of a 25-year General Lease – Industrial Use for all the reasons above, staff believes the issuance of this lease will not substantially impair the public rights to navigation, fishing, and commerce; or substantially interfere with Public Trust needs and values at this location, at this time, and for the foreseeable term of the proposed lease; and is in the best interests of the State. Therefore, the project will not have a significant effect on the environment and the above categorical exemption(s) apply(ies).
Notice of Exemption
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