North Fork
SCH Number
Public Agency
East Valley Water District
Document Title
North Fork
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
EVWD owns over 95% of the North Fork Water Company (NFWC) shares and is acquiring the remaining shares to consolidate local water resources and to improve the efficiency and reliability of water service within the region. The capability to deliver NFWC water to EVWD’s surface water treatment plant will be maintained. For NFWC shareholders that would like to continue receiving water for irrigation, connections will be provided to EVWD’s drinking water distribution system. Some of the existing flow control structures of the NFWC system may no longer be needed. These structures will likely be removed as a matter of good asset management practices. No expansion of capacity of EVWD’s service system is required. The project merely consolidates water delivery in EVWD’s service area and provides a more reliable, sustainable and efficient source of water.
Contact Information
Jeff Noelte
Agency Name
East Valley Water District
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Agency Name
East Valley Water District (EVWD or District)
Contact Types
Project Applicant
San Bernardino
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Reasons for Exemption
The Project involves the purchase of remaining shares in a private water company in order to take over delivery and conveyance of water to customers already in their service area. No expansion of water service or water use is needed to make this purchase of the shares from the few remaining NFWC shareholders. No expansion of capacity or of facilities is needed to make this change on EVWD's part. The project merely consolidates water delivery in EVWD's service area and provides a more reliable, sustainable and efficient source of water. Because there are existing water distribution facilities already in place to serve the NFWC customers should they require irrigation water after the purchase of their shares, and this service can be provided without any modifications to capacity, this Project can be considered Exempt from CEOA pursuant to Section 15301.
Notice of Exemption
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