Brighton to Roxford Double-Track Project
SCH Number
Public Agency
Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority
Document Title
Brighton to Roxford Double-Track Project
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
LA Metro, in conjunction with the Southern California Regional Rail Authority, has initiated the Brighton to Roxford Double-Track Project (proposed project) in the cities of Burbank, Los Angeles, and San Fernando and the communities of Sun Valley and Pacoima in Los Angeles County, California, on the LA Metro-owned Valley Subdivision, between MP 13.2 and MP 23. 72. The approximate project length is 10.5 miles with an approximately 1.2-mile existing double-track section that is not included in the project alignment from Control Point (CP) McGinley (MP 15.6) east of Penrose Street (MP 15.68) in Sun Valley to CP Sheldon (MP 17.0) west of Sheldon Street (MP 17.05) near Wicks Street. The proposed project would involve the double-tracking of approximately 9 miles of railroad track and related infrastructure, and associated safety improvements. The existing railway is part of the Valley Subdivision, upon which Metrolink operates its AVL commuter rail service, a 76.6-mile rail corridor between Los Angeles and Lancaster; the line is also used by Union Pacific Railroad to carry freight. The AVL was identified as needing infrastructure improvements to add operationall flexibility for eventual improved regional rail and mobility service and added capacity. In addition to double-tracking the mostly single-track line, the proposed project would enhance safety for the corridor communities and commuters on the AVL with safety-related improvements to roadways and sidewalks crossing the tracks, additional station platforms, construction of bridges, and new or extended drainage structure modifications.
Contact Information
Dan Mahgerefteh
Agency Name
LA County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (Metro)
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Burbank, Los Angeles, San Fernando
Los Angeles
Other Location Info
The project is located along the Antelope Valley Metrolink Line (AVL) between MP 13.2 in Burbank and MP 23.72 in Los Angeles within Los Angeles County.
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Statutory Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Article 18 Section 15275(a)
Reasons for Exemption
The proposed project qualifies for a statutory exemption from CEQA, as the project fits into the context of the exemption language and no other significant effects on the environment would result due to unusual circumstances. Statutory exemptions from CEQA are granted by the legislature. A statutory exemption from CEQA is provided under Section 21080 (b)(10) of the California Public Resources Code (PRC) (also found in State CEQA Guidelines, Article 18. Statutory Exemptions, Section 15275(b), Specified Mass Transit Projects). This statutory exemption applies to mass transit projects that involve the institution or increase of passenger or commuter service on rail lines already in use. This project proposes infrastructure improvements to add operational flexibility for eventual improved regional rail and mobility service, which will support increased capacity.
Notice of Exemption
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