Westminster and Kenyon Avenue Accessibility Project Proj. No. 0676-6P1025, CP#19-44
SCH Number
Public Agency
Contra Costa County
Document Title
Westminster and Kenyon Avenue Accessibility Project Proj. No. 0676-6P1025, CP#19-44
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The project is located at selected intersections near Kensington Elementary School, Kensington Park, Kensington Community Center, and Kensington Library in the unincorporated Kensington area . The purpose of this project is to improve the pedestrian infrastructure in the unincorporated Kensington area by providing ADA compliant curb ramps along Westminster Avenue and Kenyon Avenue. This area experiences a large volume of pedestrian and vehicular traffic during school drop-off and pick-up hours for Kensington Elementary School. The project consists of installing 14 curb ramps at selected intersections near Kensington Elementary School, Kensington Park, Kensington Community Center, and Kensington Library . In general, the construction process for curb ramps will consist of saw-cutting , concrete removal , base rock placement and compaction, formwork construction, and concrete placement. The old curb ramps that need to be upgraded and partial sidewalks will be demolished to make room for improvements. Excavation will be made to the required depth to accommodate forms for concrete placement, and is estimated to be 3 feet. The existing drainage inlets and valley gutters may be modified as needed . Tree and shrubbery trimming may be necessary throughout the project area. In order to minimize damage to trees, any roots exposed during construction activities will be clean cut. Appropriate Best Management Practices (BMPs) will be implemented during construction . Utility adjustments or relocation may be necessary in support of the project. One lane will be open during construction activities. Emergency vehicles will have access at all times .
Contact Information
Sandeep Singh
Agency Name
Contra Costa County
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Agency Name
Contra Costa County Public Works Department
Contact Types
Project Applicant
Contra Costa
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Reasons for Exemption
The project consists of minor alteration of existing streets, sidewalks , and gutters with no expansion of use, pursuant to Section 15301 (c) of the CEQA guidelines.
Notice of Exemption
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