Fence Installation by Coronado Cays Yacht Club at Silver Strand South
SCH Number
Public Agency
San Diego Unified Port District
Document Title
Fence Installation by Coronado Cays Yacht Club at Silver Strand South
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The proposed project would involve installation of a fence by Coronado Cays Yacht Club (CCYC) (Tenant) in the City of Coronado, California. Work to specifically complete the proposed project would include installation of a 42-inch (in) fence at the northeastern portion of the CCYC sublease area as a safety barrier, approximately two (2) feet (ft) inland of the existing seawall. The fence would be constructed with white vinyl with steel top and bottom rails and would be approximately 253 ft in length (132 and 103 linear feet on the north and eastern portions, respectively). Construction of the proposed project is anticipated to occur in December 2019 and would take approximately one (1) day to complete, with ongoing inspections, maintenance, repairs, and replacement as-needed.
See NOE for full details.
Contact Information
Michael Paul
Agency Name
San Diego Unified Port District Development Services Department
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
San Diego
Cross Streets
30 North Caribe Cay Blvd, Coronado, CA 92118
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures (SG § 15303) (Class 3), Minor Alternations to Land (SG § 15304)
Reasons for Exemption
See NOE for full Exempt Status.
The proposed project is determined to be Categorically Exempt pursuant to California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines Section 15303 (New Construction), Section 15304 (Minor Alterations to Land), and Section 15311 (Accessory Structures), and Section 3.c. and 3.d. of the District's Guidelines for Compliance with CEQA because it consists of installation of a fence to improve safety and would involve construction and location of new, small facilities, would result in no permanent effects on the environment, and would not involve the removal of mature, scenic trees. Section 3.c., 3.d., and 3.i. of the District's CEQA Guidelines are as follows:
Notice of Exemption
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