Oakland Athletics - Oakland Sports and Mixed Use Project at Howard Terminal


SCH Number
Lead Agency
City of Oakland
Document Title
Oakland Athletics - Oakland Sports and Mixed Use Project at Howard Terminal
Document Type
OTH - Other Document
Present Land Use
Industrial General (IG); certain areas M-40 (Heavy Industrial)
Document Description
Note: AB 734 Application - No State Agency Review; Submitted Application can be viewed at: http://www.opr.ca.gov/ceqa/california-jobs.html The Project proposes to redevelop Howard Terminal with a baseball park that will become the new home to the Oakland Athletics, and with adjacent residential, hotel, entertainment, office, retail, and open space, on the approximately 55-acre site. The 35,000-seat ballpark will total up to approximately 1,200,000 gross square feet (GSF), and a 3,500-seat performance center will total up to approximately 50,000 GSF. The remainder of Howard Terminal will include up to approximately 1,500,000 GSF of office space, up to approximately 270,000 GSF of retail use, up to 3,000 housing units (which would total up to approximately 3,300,000 GSF) and a 400-room hotel, totaling up to approximately 280,000 GSF. The Project will also include up to approximately 2,670,000 GSF of parking and loading space. In total, the Project will consist of up to approximately 9,270,000 GSF of developed space. The Project will also reflect the possibility that an approximately 7 acre corner of the Howard Terminal site will be subject to the Port’s right for a ten (10) year period of time to demolish that portion of the site in order to enlarge the existing maritime turning basin (the “Turning Basin Area”). If the option is exercised, the Project Land Uses will be redistributed on the balance of the site.

Contact Information

Elizabeth A. Lake
Agency Name
City of Oakland
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency

Agency Name
The Oakland Athletics
Contact Types
Project Applicant


Cross Streets
Market Street and Embarcadero West
Total Acres
Parcel #
018-0405-00; 018-0405-002; 018-0405-003-01; 018-0405-003-02; 018-0405-004; 018-0410-004; 018-041
State Highways
880, 980
Oakland Terminal...
Oakland Inner Harbor; Lake Merritt; San Francisco Bay
Other Location Info
Possibly including: 018-0410-007 018-0410-008
Other Information
Note: see application for full details

Notice of Completion

Development Types
Residential (Units 3,000), Office (Sq. Ft. 1.5m), Commercial (Sq. Ft. .55m), Other (Ballpark:1.2m sq.ft.,Performance Venue: 50,000 sq.ft.)
Local Actions
Project Issues
Air Quality, Economics/Jobs, Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Land Use/Planning, Transportation


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