Monday, May 24, 1999

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44 document(s) found

SCH Number Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
1999022036 Plumas County American Valley Horse Trails; Special Use Permit; SUP # 11-98/99-06
1999048485 Regional Water Quality Control Board, Region 5 (Central Valley), Redding Upper and Lower Kosk Creek Bridge Repair and Replacement
1999048482 Valley of the Moon Water District Glen Ellen Pump Station, Project #2809
1999051084 City of Rancho Santa Fe La Orilla Pump Station Project
1999052074 Sonoma County Russian River Redevelopment Plan and Associated General Plan Amendment/Rezoning
1999051081 City of Westmorland Rehab. / Upgrade of WWTP at Westmorland
1999048516 California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) Cascade Shores Fire Hazard Reduction Project
1999052077 Santa Cruz County Maloney Minor Land Division
1986071414 Kern County Bakerfield Metropolitan (Bena) Sanitary Landfill, Phase 2A (BAKERSFIELD METROPOLITAN LANDFILL )
1999022047 Amador County Sierra West Business park Tentative Subdivision Map No. 93
1999051082 Kern County EAPW 1-99: ZCC G2, Map 124 / PM 10597
1999042031 City of Sebastopol Soll Annexation and Subdivision
1999052078 Central Valley Flood Protection Board RDS01 (Ryer Island) Levee Rehabilitation Project of 1999
1999052075 San Joaquin County Qantas Lane Extension
1999048491 California Department of Parks and Recreation Alarm System
1994012029 Loomis Union School District H. Clarke Powers School (New K-8 Elementary School)
1997061016 Regents of the University of California Academic Health Center Facilities Reconstruction Plan
1999048511 California Department of Parks and Recreation Sugar Pine Point State Park
1999048488 California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) Forty-Niner Hazard Reduction Project
1999048515 California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) Seldom Seen Ranch/Rancho Hills Community Assoc. Fuel Modification Project
1999048512 California Department of Parks and Recreation Relocate garage
1999052076 California State Lands Commission Grand Island Natural Gas Pipeline Project
1999021055 California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) Administrative Segregation Housing Unit Project at Salinas Valley State Prison
1999059014 City of Santa Barbara Molino Gas Pipeline Relocation
1999012050 California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) ADMINSTRATIVE SEGREGATION HOUSING UNIT PROJECT, HIGH DESERT PRISON
1999048483 California Department of Parks and Recreation Bear Proof Lockers
1999048486 City of Orange In-Lieu Parking Fees for New Constrution
1998032032 Plumas County Sierra Solutions Jack Sparrowk Mining & Reclamation Plan
1999051085 California Department of Parks and Recreation Los Banos Creek Bridge
1999048489 California Department of Parks and Recreation Campsite Improvements
1998121100 Livermore Valley Joint Unified School District COFFIN CREEK REPAIR PROJECT
1999048513 California Department of Parks and Recreation Bear Proof lockers and Campsite Rehabilitation
1998091100 University of California, Riverside International Village Housing, UCR project no 950438
1999048490 California Department of Parks and Recreation Electrical Hookup
1999048487 California Health and Human Services Agency (CHHS) Temecula Hearing Facility
1999048510 California Department of Parks and Recreation Water System Upgrade
1998072010 City of Napa HILLVIEW HOMES (NAPA)
1999048484 California Department of Parks and Recreation Electrical System Upgrade
1999051080 City of San Diego Nobel Research Park
1999052079 Central Valley Flood Protection Board Cherokee Canal (MA13) Levee Rehabilitation Project of 1999
1997051013 City of Torrance GEROGE KIRKORIAN EAS97-0001
1998121055 California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) Administration Segregation Housing Unit at CSP-Corcoran
1999051083 Riverside County Change of Zone 6417/Conditional Use Permit 3280