Friday, April 2, 1999
- Received Date
- 1999-04-02
- Edit Search
25 document(s) found
SCH Number | Type | Lead/Public Agency | Received | Title |
1999042056 | NEG | City of Chico | Arroyo Greens Subdivision (S-99-1) | |
1999041025 | NEG | Los Angeles County | Mitigated Negative Declaration for the Amigo County Park-General Development Project. | |
1999041022 | NEG | City of San Diego | Congregation Beth Israel Synagegue | |
1999042007 | EIS | Tahoe Regional Planning Agency (TRPA) | Draft Enviromental Impact Statement for Lake Tahoe Shorezone Ordinance Amendment | |
1999042008 | EIR | City of Sunnyvale | Applied Materials Arques Campus Specific Plan | |
1999042005 | NEG | Stanislaus County | Sierra Grain Terminal - Rezone 99-03; PM 99-05 | |
1999048033 | NOE | City of Santa Clarita | LICENSE FOR TWO (2) GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELLS | |
1997121053 | EIR | City of Covina | City of Covina General Plan | |
1997022055 | EIR | City of Rancho Cordova | Sunrise Douglas Community Plan/Sun Ridge Specific Plan (Sunrise Douglas Community Plan/Specific Plan) | |
1999041023 | NEG | City of San Diego | UETA / SYG Ventura General Partnership | |
1999042212 | NEG | City of Chico | UP-99-1 KZ Holding LLC | |
1999048034 | NOE | California Tahoe Conservancy | TRANSFER OF COVERAGE TO PLACER COUNTY APN 92-075-01 (SMITH) | |
1999041021 | NEG | City of Rancho Palos Verdes | Specific Plan Amendment No. 10/CUP No. 204/GR No. 2044/EA No.701 | |
1999042043 | NEG | City of Walnut Creek | Treat Boulevard Signal Coordination & Cooperative Agreement | |
1999042057 | NEG | City of Chico | CANCELLED REFER TO 99042212 UP-99-1 Kz Holdings LLC | |
1999041012 | NEG | Los Angeles County | Los Angeles County Demolition of Buildings Between Spring St. and New High St. | |
1999042055 | NEG | City of Napa | Historic Preservation & Neighborhood Conservation Ordinance | |
1999048032 | NOE | California Tahoe Conservancy | TRANSFER OF A RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT RIGHT TO EL DORADO COUNTY APN 23-081-08 | |
1999042038 | NEG | City of Berkeley | I-80 Bicycle / Pedestrian Overcrossing | |
1999042015 | NOP | City of Tracy | Tracy Learning Center | |
1999041033 | NOP | City of Temecula | Winchester Hills Specific Plan and EIR | |
1998121098 | NEG | Tulare County | Mancebo Dairy Expansion | |
1999048006 | NOE | Central Valley Flood Protection Board | THIS IS A QUITCLAIM OF SPOIL EASEMENT RIGHTS | |
1998041141 | NOD | City of Seaside | UP-98-05 BSL GOLF GROUP OF CALIFORNIA | |
1998021041 | NOD | Belridge Water Storage District | Transfer of State Water Project Entitlement |