Friday, November 13, 1998

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29 document(s) found

SCH Number Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
1998021065 California State University Board of Trustees SDSU PARKING STRUCTURE 5 PROJECT
1998112039 Hollister School District Ladd Lane School
1998111043 City of Encinitas Mc Farland Subdivsion
1998111041 City of Oceanside Trendwest Resorts Project
1998021077 California Department of Transportation, Headquarters STATE ROUTE 138 WIDENING AND REALIGNMENT, SAN BERNARDINO CO.
1998112040 Siskiyou County Daniel D. Nelson Zone Change (Z-98-08)
1998071024 Tulare County PSP 98-024
1998102010 Central Valley Flood Protection Board STREAMBANK PROTECTION FOR SITE 5 ON LOWER AMERICAN RIVER
1998111044 City of Riverside Arlington Redevelopment Plan Amendment No. 2
1998091075 United States Bureau of Reclamation (USBR) CHANGES TO PERMITTED PLACE & PURPOSE OF USE FOR CACHUMA PRJ
1998051058 California Department of Transportation, Headquarters REVISE 101/156 INTERCHANGE, MON-101-KP 153.4/153.9
1998042004 City of Chico GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 97-6 CITY OF CHICO
1998091035 San Diego County TPM 20297, LOG NO 97-2-6; NAKAYAMA INC. TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP
1998112037 City and County of San Francisco Geneva Building and Power House Demolition
1998012017 City of Sacramento DISCOVERY CENTRE PUD
1998112041 Siskiyou County Satariano Tentative Parcel Map (TPM-98-09)
1998111042 City of Encinitas Oakley Subdivision
1997081077 California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) SANTA FE PIPELINE PARTNERS CARSON TO NORWALK PIPELINE PROJ.
1998112038 City of Oroville Lake Oroville Country Retirement
1998071093 Los Banos Unified School District Dayton Canyon Estates
1990011169 Alameda Contra Costa Transit District (AC Transit) Alameda Corridor Project
1998082039 California State University Board of Trustees CHILD DEVELOPMENT CENTER (SAN JOSE STATE UNIVERSITY)
1998091054 Lemoore Union Elementary School District PROPOSED CINNAMON ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SITE
1998072016 California State University Board of Trustees SAN JOSE STATE/CITY OF SAN JOSE JOINT LIBRARY EIR
1998081047 Riverside County ANZA COLLECTION STATION
1992052124 City of Stockton North Stockton Project Annexation
1998111045 City of San Juan Capistrano Draft Amendments to Specific Plan 78-01, Los Rios Precise Plan
1996091024 Livermore Valley Joint Unified School District CATHEDRAL OAKS ROAD CIRCULATION LINK SEGMENT 3