SCH Number 2025010596

Project Info

Garbani North Residential Project Tentative Tract Map No. 38683
The project includes development of Tentative Tract Map No. 38683. The project site consists of one parcel. The project site is bound to the north by Tupelo Road, to the east by Linda Lee Drive and existing single-family residential, to the south by Garbani Road, and to the west by existing single-family residential. The project site is located on the southwest corner of Tupelo Road and Linda Lee Drive, north of the future extension of Garbani Road. The project site is identified by one Assessor Parcel Number: 360-250-006 and includes the subdivision of the project site into 40 lots. Of the 40 total lots, 39 lots would be developed with single-family residential housing, with one single-family residence per lot (39 total dwelling units) and the preservation of one lot (Lot A) as open space land. The project site includes 9.21 acres (approximately 401,231 square feet) of gross lot area, with a total net area of 8.79 acres (approximately 382,892 square feet). In accordance with the project site’s zoning, the lots of the project would have a 7,200 square foot minimum lot size and a maximum lot size of 8,624 square feet, with a density of 4.44 dwelling units per acre. In addition, minimum setbacks for the proposed lots would be a 5-foot side yard setback, a 10-foot rear yard setback, an average 15-foot front yard setback, and a 10-foot minimum distance between residential buildings. Building design would be in compliance with the City’s Design Guidelines (2022) for single-family residential dwellings and hillside development.
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2 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Menifee Notice of Determination for Garbani North Tentative Tract Map No. 38683 – Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration
City of Menifee Garbani North Residential Project Tentative Tract Map No. 38683