SCH Number 2025010340
Project Info
- Title
- FY 2024/2025 Gravity Sewer Improvements Project
- Description
- The Ross Valley Sanitary District (RVSD) Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Gravity Sewer Improvements Project (#958) (Project) entails the construction and rehabilitation, within the existing alignment, of sanitary sewer mains, manholes, and related appurtenances within the town of Fairfax, unincorporated town of Kentfield, and town of San Anselmo, all of which are within the County of Marin. The primary objective of this Project is to relieve hydraulic and structural deficiencies and reduce groundwater infiltration associated with aging RVSD infrastructure. The Project would rehabilitate approximately 14,042 linear feet (LF) of sanitary sewers and install 862 LF of new sanitary sewer with high-density polyethylene (HDPE) pipe ranging in size from 6 to 8 inches. Sewers would be replaced by open-cut removal and replacement (3,994 LF), pipe bursting (8,912 LF), and pipe reaming (1,136 LF) methods. Lower laterals and property-line cleanouts would also be replaced at all locations. Depths of the excavation would vary between 3 and 10 ft. Work would also include the construction of 33 sanitary sewer manholes to replace existing manholes or construct new manholes. Manhole locations would require excavation and backfill of an area of approximately 8 × 8 ft, with varying depths projected to range from approximately 5 to 10 ft. The rehabilitation of all sanitary sewer mains would occur within the existing alignment. Most pipelines either fall within public rights-of-way or designated easements running through private property. For work in backyard easements, portable equipment would be used to accommodate space restrictions and minimize impacts.
2 documents in project