SCH Number 2024121188
Project Info
- Title
- Tentative Map No. 6471
- Description
- The project proposes to annex approximately 83.04 acres of farmland into the City of Fowler and to prezone approximately 30.65 acres of the land to be annexed to the M-1 zone district with the remaining 52.39 acres prezoned to the R-1-6 zone district for future residential development (“Project”). 36.54 acres of the Project area is restricted to Williamson Act Contract No. 6340. As part of the Project, Williamson Act Contract No. 6340 would be canceled, and Ag Preserve Fowler-Selma-Kingsburg No. 27 would be diminished. The area zoned M-1 would be subdivided into 44 parcels for future Light Industrial land uses. Streets would be constructed and designed to City of Fowler standards. A stormwater retention basin is proposed which will be designed to accommodate the increased impermeability of the subdivision. Clayton Avenue would be widened to 60 feet along the Project frontage. Approximately 0.5 miles of sewer main would be constructed to connect to Selma-Kingsburg-Fowler County Sanitation District (SKFCSD) facilities in Golden State Boulevard. Approximately 1.3 miles of water main would be constructed to connect the subdivision to the existing mains in Golden State Boulevard and Fowler Avenue. Approximately 14.39 acres of the 52.39-acre area zoned R-1-6 would be designated as a remainder on the proposed subdivision map and would not be a part of the Project. The remaining 38 acres would be included in the annexation and prezoned R-1-6, but it would not be annotated on the proposed tentative map and would not be a part of the proposed subdivision. A lot line adjustment would be submitted to adjust the parcel lines in such a way to separate the designated remainder from the industrial subdivision. Future development for the whole R-1-6 zoned area would be subject to its own CEQA analysis. The Project would also include improvements to several intersections that would be developed when intersection delay exceeds established parameters. They include: • Golden State Boulevard and Jefferson Avenue (Horizon Year Without Project and Horizon Year Plus Project Conditions) o Widen the eastbound approach to the intersection to include a left turn lane and a right turn lane (adding one right turn lane). • Clovis Avenue and Lincoln Avenue (Horizon Year Without Project and Horizon Year Plus Project Conditions) o Widen the westbound approach to the intersection to include a left turn lane and a right turn lane (adding one right turn lane). • Clayton Avenue and Golden State Boulevard (Horizon Year Plus Project Conditions) o Install a traffic signal. o Widen the westbound approach to the intersection to include a shared left- through lane and a right turn lane (adding one right turn lane). • SR 99 SB Ramps and Clovis Avenue (Horizon Year Without Project and Horizon Year Plus Project Conditions) o Install a traffic signal when warranted. o Widen the southbound approach to the intersection to include two left turn lanes, a through lane, and a shared through-right lane (adding one left turn lane). • Merced Street and SR 99 SB Off Ramp-Fowler Avenue (Horizon Year Without Project and Horizon Year Plus Project Conditions) o Install a traffic signal when warranted. o Widen the northbound approach to the intersection to include a left turn lane and a right turn lane with right-turn overlap phasing (adding one right turn lane with right-turn overlap phasing). o Widen the southbound approach to the intersection to include a left turn lane and a shared through-right lane (adding one left turn lane). • Merced Street and SR 99 SB NB Ramps (Horizon Year Without Project and Horizon Year Plus Project Conditions) o Install a traffic signal when warranted. o Widen the westbound approach to the intersection to include a through lane and a right turn lane (adding one right turn lane).
2 documents in project