SCH Number 2024110892

Project Info

2645-2655 Fayette Drive Residential Project
The project includes a request for a Zoning Map Amendment from the R3-D (Multiple-Family Residential) District to the P-40 (San Antonio) Precise Plan; Amendments to the P-40 (San Antonio) Precise Plan; Planned Community Permit and Development Review Permit to Construct a Six-Story, 44-Unit Condominium Project with a State Density Bonus; Provisional Use Penn it for a Roof Deck Above the Third Floor; Heritage Tree Removal Permit for the Removal of Eight Heritage Trees; and Vesting Tentative Map to Create 44 Condominium Lots and One Common Lot.
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Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Mountain View 2645-2655 Fayette Drive Residential Project