SCH Number 2024110596
Project Info
- Title
- PLNP2020-00014 J@B Storage
- Description
- The project is requesting the following: 1. A Use Permit to allow the storage of operable vehicles, recreational vehicles, and boats in the General Commercial (GC) zoning district. 2. A Tentative Parcel Map to divide the 7.42-acre parcel into three parcels. 3. A Design Review to determine substantial compliance with the Sacramento County Countywide Design Guidelines (Design Guidelines). The proposed project will divide the existing parcel into three parcels consisting of the development of an outdoor storage facility on Parcel 1. The facility will allow for the storage of operable vehicles, recreational vehicles, and boats. The remaining parcels will remain undeveloped with gravel covering. Future development of Parcels 2 and 3 may include construction of a fuel station or a Quick Service Restaurant with drive- through. While any future development of Parcels 2 and 3 may require additional environmental review, entitlements and permitting, based on information from the project’s future truck movement plan a 2,400 square foot (sf) QSR and a 3,700 sf convenience market with gas pumps were analyzed. The project site plan shows that the site will have a water tank and well. In addition, the project site is outside the Urban Policy Area (UPA) so while water and wastewater utilities are nearby, connections are not available at this time and development would be served by well and septic until such time when the UPA is amended to include the subject parcel.
2 documents in project