SCH Number 2024110514

Project Info

Bonny's Vineyard New Winery Use Permit Mitigated Negative Declaration
The request is for a new 30,000 gallon per year production winery on the existing 25.54-acre parcel. The proposed winery will consist of the following: 1. a 10,996-sf winery building with a 1,426-sf covered pad, a 392-sf uncovered mechanical yard and 1,255-sf of covered loggia (patio space) 2. six (6) full time employees, 3. tours and tastings for a maximum of 45 visitors per day (including AB52 outdoor tasting areas), 4. marketing events consisting of two (2) larger events with a maximum of 150 visitors and nine (9) smaller events with a maximum of 80 visitors (including outdoor marketing event areas); all food will be prepared offsite by a catering company. 5. Production days and hours 9 AM to 5 PM, seven (7) days per week, visitation days and hours 10 AM to 5 PM, seven (7) days per week, 6. Parking for 20 cars with overflow event parking provided onsite as needed along the existing vineyard avenues, except those areas that are within required stream setbacks 7. On-site landscaping 8. Three (3) 10,000-gallon water storage tanks The vegetation types in the project parcel generally consist of California valley oak woodland (1.99 acres - avoided), ruderal – developed (3.30 acres) and agriculture – vineyard (20.21 acres). The proposed winery development will remove 0.63 acres of vineyard and completely avoid the existing woodland on site. The closest water source is Conn Creek, which is immediately west of the parcel and runs along the western property line. As proposed the project maintains a stream setback consistent with Napa County Code (NCC) section 18.108.025, which requires a 45-foot setback from Conn Creek, based on the existing 1-5% slopes of the parcel. The main winery structure will be located more than 150 feet from Conn Creek, while the proposed parking improvements maintain an approximately 88-foot setback from the top of bank. The parcel Is currently developed with an active vineyard, and has been actively managed as agriculture since the 1940's. No work ls proposed within the required stream setback from Conn Creek
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2 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Napa County Bonny's Vineyard New Winery Use Permit Mitigated Negative Declaration - NOD
Napa County Bonny's Vineyard New Winery Use Permit Mitigated Negative Declaration