SCH Number 2024110306

Project Info

Comstock Place Townhouse Project
Vesting Tentative Tract Map 84431 will consolidate six parcels into a single 0.826 gross acre lot to facilitate development of the Comstock Place Townhouse Project. A Certificate of Appropriateness will be required for the Demolition Permit to authorize the removal of the 7,172 square foot medical office building and associated surface parking lot. Variance No. 24-0001: The proposed project will require the following variances from the Uptown Whittier Specific Plan in order to be developed as proposed: a) “Lot Width” for the Courtyard Housing: Allow for a minimum lot size of 120 feet instead of the required minimum 125 feet for courtyard housing [UWSP section 4.4.8 (A)]; b) Tandem parking: Allow the use of 8 tandem parking garages. The Uptown Whittier Specific Plan (UWSP) does not allow tandem parking. 8 tandem parking garages have been incorporated into the site plan out of 24 [UWSP section 4.9.1(E)(4)]; c) Guest Parking: Allow for the revision of the required number of guest parking spaces at 6 spaces to 4 spaces [UWSP section 4.3.4 section (C)(3)]; and d) Guest Parking Placement: Allow for guest parking that does not meet the provisions of UWSP, Center District Section 4.3.4 (C)(1). Development Review Plan No. DRP24-0011 envisions 24 single-family attached condominium units along the frontage of Comstock Avenue and Philadelphia Street. There will be two 3-story structures that would be situated in a “U” formation. The project provides 59 parking spaces. Each individual townhouse will be equipped with a garage that will each contain 2 parking spaces (for a total of 48 garage spaces) and 7 resident spaces. Additionally, 4 guest parking spaces will be provided, which includes 1 accessible space in compliance with the American Disabilities Act (ADA). About 6,892 SF of landscaping will be provided. The 24 units on the 0.82-acre site correlates to a density of about 29.27 units per acre.
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2 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Whittier Whittier Comstock Place Single Family Residential Townhome Project
City of Whittier Comstock Place Townhouse Project