SCH Number 2024110249
Project Info
- Title
- Tentative Tract Map No. 62664 (Revised)
- Description
- A subdivision for 30 single family lots in the SRR zone. Subsequent to the City’s approval of all discretionary actions by the City of Lancaster Planning Commission on November 21, 2005, the Joshua tree was listed as a candidate species under the California Endangered Species Act and the Western Joshua Tree Conservation Act was signed into law. To streamline the Incidental Take Permit (ITP) process, the California Department of Fish and Wildlife has requested that the City revise the Initial Study to specially address impacts to the Joshua tree from the proposed project and to identify appropriate mitigation measures. This initial study has been revised to address impacts to the Joshua tree onsite and some minor updating of other information such as the applicant. No other changes to the adopted initial study have been made. All new language can be found in Section IV.a on pages 18 through 22 of this document. No new mitigation measures, with the exception of the mitigation measure for the Joshua tree, have been added.
2 documents in project