SCH Number 2024110094

Project Info

Joaquin Ranch Pump Station Disinfection System Improvements [Project No. D2199]
The District's Joaquin Ranch Pump Station Disinfection System Improvements Project (the Project) generally consists of construction and operation of chloramination disinfection facilities at the existing Joaquin Ranch Pump Station. Construction of the Project is anticipated to include the following: • Demolition of the existing chlorine injection facilities that include a fabricated steel enclosure, sodium hypochlorite generation equipment, salt and sodium hypochlorite storage tanks, fiberglass generation shed, metering pumps, and associated piping and controls. • Site preparation and grading; • Construction of site access improvements to accommodate tanker trucks for chemical deliveries; • Construction of a masonry equipment building with a chlorine room, an ammonia room, and electrical/analyzer room. The chlorine room and the ammonia room will each have the capacity to contain 110% of the total storage volume of each chemical; • Within the chlorine room, installation of a polyethylene storage tank for 12.5% bulk sodium hypochlorite solution (SHS), including an antioxidant inner surface that is designed to resist oxidation from the SHS, and SHS metering pumps and piping to replace the existing onsite sodium hypochlorite generation equipment, salt tank, day tank, and associated metering pumps; • Within the ammonia room, installation of a polypropylene storage tank for 40% liquid ammonium sulfate (LAS) storage tank and LAS metering pumps and piping; • Installation of a split air conditioning system that includes a common outdoor unit (compressor) and individual ductless indoor units in each chemical room and the electrical/analyzer rooms; • Installation of a chemical fume odor scrubber on the sodium hypochlorite tank vent; • Installation of chemical dosing controls and equipment, including reconfiguration of the existing pump station programable logic controller (PLC) and installation of water quality analyzers for monochloramines and free chlorine to control the metering pumps; • Installation of chemical injection equipment, including injection quills, double containment site piping for SHS, and a static mixer. Project operation consists of operating the Joaquin Ranch Pump Station continuously with the new disinfection facilities in place. Approximately one daily vehicle trip to the site for routine operation and maintenance purposes is currently taking place and is expected to continue with the operation of the new disinfection facilities. Additionally, operation includes one monthly tanker truck delivery of 12.5% bulk SHS and one monthly tanker truck delivery of 40% LAS.
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Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Rancho California Water District Joaquin Ranch Pump Station Disinfection System Improvements [Project No. D2199]
Rancho California Water District Joaquin Ranch Pump Station Disinfection System Improvements [Project No. D2199]