SCH Number 2024110070

Project Info

Harmony Valley Elderberry Longhorn Beetle Conservation Bank (PD-23-48)
The proposed project will restore the 62-acre project site to provide suitable habitat for the federally listed Valley elderberry longhorn beetle (VELB). The purpose of the project is to provide compensatory mitigation credits for unavoidable impacts to the VELB by developing suitable habitat that would be protected and maintained in perpetuity. The proposed project requires approval of an amendment to the General Plan designation from Agriculture General (AG) to Resource Conservation (RC) and a change in the zoning classification from Exclusive Agriculture (E-A) to Resource Management (R-M) for the project site.
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2 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Colusa County Harmony Valley Elderberry Longhorn Beetle Conservation Bank (PD-23-48)
Colusa County Harmony Valley Elderberry Longhorn Beetle Conservation Bank (PD-23-48)