SCH Number 2024100489

Project Info

PLNP2023-00203 4134 Bannister Road
The project consists of the following entitlements from the County of Sacramento: 1. A Tentative Parcel Map to divide a 1.26± gross acre parcel into four lots in the RD-5 zoning district. 2. A Special Development Permit to allow the proposed project to deviate from the following development standards: • Public Street Frontage (Section 5.4.2.B, Table 5.7.A): Up to two lots may be served by a private drive without meeting the public street frontage requirement. As proposed, four parcels will be served by a private drive. 3. A Design Review to determine substantial compliance with the Sacramento County Countywide Design Guidelines (Design Guidelines). The development of the project site will require the construction of stormwater detention ponds on parcels 2, 3 & 4 to be interconnected with culverts to a level spreader along the east side of the property. In addition, new home construction (except for driveway and garage) will be on-grade with a raised foundation for proposed lot 4 . Current access to the site is from Bannister Road, which will be improved to Class C street improvements along the project frontage.
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Sacramento County PLNP2023-00203 4134 Bannister Road
Sacramento County PLNP2023-00203 4134 Bannister Road