SCH Number 2024090719

Project Info

1255 Clark Addition/Remodel (ENV-2022-8437-CE)
The project includes the construction of a 316-square-foot addition and remodel for an existing single-family dwelling with a basement and attached two-car garage fronting on a Substandard Hillside Limited Street (North Clark Street). The applicant is requesting relief from the maximum permitted 1,878 square feet of Residential Floor Area; the maximum permitted height of 24 feet within 20 feet of the front lot line, as measured from the center line of the adjacent street; the required 20-foot origin height for the encroachment plane; and the required five (5)-foot side yard setbacks. The existing dwelling comprises 2,026 square feet of residential floor area across two stories and a basement with attached garage. The applicant proposes a remodel and addition to the existing dwelling that will result in 316 square feet of additional residential floor area, for a total of 2,342 square feet. No grading is proposed. The proposed envelope height is 27 feet, 3 inches and the proposed height within 20 feet of the front lot line, as measured from the center line of the adjacent street, is 28 feet, 4 inches. No trees are proposed for removal.
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Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Los Angeles 1255 Clark Addition/Remodel (ENV-2022-8437-CE)