SCH Number 2024090575

Project Info

Crossings at Peterson Road – Preliminary Development Plan Case No. PDP24-0003 and Environmental Assessment Case No. EA24-0008
The Crossings on Peterson Road proposes 116 units (115 low-income units for families and one management unit) within 16 one and two-story residential buildings. The proposed total unit mix will be 38 one-bedroom units, 39 two-bedroom units, and 39 three-bedroom units. One-story buildings are proposed along the front and side property lines while all two-story buildings (maximum height 26'-5") and carports are centralized within the project to minimize the impact on view corridors. Project amenities will include a pool with a lounge deck, grilling and dining areas, a grass sports field, tot lot with large shade structures, and a community garden.
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2 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Rancho Mirage Crossings at Peterson Road – Environmental Assessment Case No. EA24-0008 and Preliminary Development Plan Case No. PDP24-0003
City of Rancho Mirage Crossings at Peterson Road – Preliminary Development Plan Case No. PDP24-0003 and Environmental Assessment Case No. EA24-0008