SCH Number 2024090440

Project Info

Watsonville 2050 General Plan Environmental Impact Report
The City of Watsonville is preparing a comprehensive update of the Watsonville 2005 General Plan in response to changes in conditions in the City and new state laws enacted since the preparation of the existing General Plan. The projected growth in the 2050 General Plan envisions the addition of up to 5,980 new residential units and 1.725 million square feet of non-residential development. The 2050 General Plan will include goals, policies, and implementation actions – developed with extensive community input – to advance the City’s vision and community priorities, including: revitalizing Downtown Watsonville; introducing a range of new housing choices, both single-family and multi-family; attracting new employment and revenue-generating uses; maintaining the existing character of the City’s residential neighborhoods, preserving the City’s natural open spaces, especially the sloughs; improving the City’s existing parks and community facilities, and introducing new ones; accommodating planned passenger rail service, including a station in Downtown Watsonville; implementing complete streets improvements; and rerouting truck routes around town.
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2 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Watsonville Watsonville 2050 General Plan Environmental Impact Report
City of Watsonville Watsonville 2050 General Plan Environmental Impact Report