SCH Number 2024090380

Project Info

450 North Roxbury Drive Project
The Project would redevelop a 6,797 square foot portion of the ground floor of a five-floor, partially subterranean parking garage (the upper two levels are above ground) with rooftop parking located at 450 North Roxbury Drive to retail space. The Project would also remove 29 existing parking spaces, add 300 square feet of planter area, and restripe the remaining ground level of parking to replace the 3 removed ADA parking spaces. Project construction is anticipated to occur over one phase, lasting approximately 14 months, beginning as early as January 2025 and ending as early as February 2026. The Applicant is requesting a Zone Text Amendment (ZTA) and General Plan Amendment (GPA) to allow an increase in the maximum FAR as a result of the conversion of the ground level of an existing parking structure abutting a public street to retail business(es), as defined in Beverly Hills Municipal Code (BHMC) Section 10-3-100, up to a depth of 70 feet from the front property line, subject to approval of a Development Plan Review pursuant to BHMC Section 10-3-3100.
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4 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Beverly Hills 450 North Roxbury Drive Project Notice of Determination
City of Beverly Hills 450 North Roxbury Drive Project
City of Beverly Hills 450 North Roxbury Drive Project Final Initial Study Mitigated Negative Declaration
City of Beverly Hills 450 North Roxbury Drive Project