SCH Number 2024090198

Project Info

Wonderful Solar Facilities Project
The project consists of a requested Conditional Use Permit (CUP) to allow for the construction of three solar facilities on three sites (project). The three solar facilities include: 1) Lerdo West, 2) Lerdo Middle, and 3) Ranch 3461. The 2.3-acre Lerdo West site [Assessor’s Parcel Number (APN) 089-090-30] is located northeast of the Cherry Avenue and Lerdo Highway (at coordinates 35.504149, -119.232113) and would include a 716-kilowatt (kW) fixed ground mount solar photovoltaic (PV) system. The 8.6-acre Lerdo Middle site (APN 091-320-03) is located southwest of the intersection of Wallace Road and Road 5039 (at coordinates 35.506220, -119.162031) and would include a 2,537-kW tracker solar PV system. The 11.7-acre Ranch 3461 site (APN 091-252-34) is located east of Mendota Street (at coordinates 35.456388, -119.225118) and would include a 3,412-kW tracker solar PV system. Since each proposed facility would generate greater than 5 kilowatts of electricity, these uses are conditionally allowed within the A (Agricultural) zone and therefore, a CUP is required. A CUP is a discretionary action and therefore triggers California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) review.
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2 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Shafter Wonderful Solar Facilities Project
City of Shafter Wonderful Solar Facilities Project