SCH Number 2024090126

Project Info

Mark Twain School Expansion Project
The District plans to add classrooms, office space, and play courts; reconfigure and expand parking; and add fencing improvements at the Mark Twain School campus (project site), which would disturb 5.3 acres of the 9.7-acre project site, and consolidate the District's two special education programs at the project site. The two special education programs include the Adult Transition Program, which is currently housed at the Jordan Secondary Learning Center and, the Mark Twain Special Education program currently housed at the project site. The Adult Transition Program will relocate to the project site and the Mark Twain Special Education program will remain. The combined programs would serve approximately 194 students and would have 22 faculty members and one nurse on the project site.
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2 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Garden Grove Unified School District Mark Twain School Expansion Project
Garden Grove Unified School District Mark Twain School Expansion Project