SCH Number 2024080853
Project Info
- Title
- 144-490 Quintal Road
- Description
- The Project involves the development of 672 multi-family for-rent apartments, 48 for-sale two-family units, and 98 single-family for-sale homes on an approximately 59.19-acre vacant site. The Project would also construct a 1.93-acre public open space, resident-serving amenities for the multi-family components, improvements to the adjacent streets, on and offsite utility infrastructure, parking, driveways, and landscaping. The Project is requesting a General Plan Amendment to re-designate approximately 38.5 acres of the Project site as High Density Residential and the remaining 20.7 acres as Low Density Residential. Additionally, the Project is requesting to rezone approximately 38.5 acres of the Project site to R-3 for the multi-family and two-family homes, and the remaining 20.7 acres of the site to R-1 for the single-family uses.
3 documents in project