SCH Number 2024080720

Project Info

Glenarm BESS Project
The City of Pasadena Water and Power proposes to install a 25-megawatt (MW) utility-scale Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) on an approximately 0.59-acre site, within PWP’s existing Glenarm Power Plant, located at 52 East Glenarm Street in the City of Pasadena, California. The proposed Project would charge and store electricity, with a minimum storage capability of four hours. Design, construction, and maintenance of the BESS Project must adhere to all applicable local, State, and federal regulations and protocols. A private entity would be selected to develop and maintain the BESS and sell the associated capacity and operational attributes to Pasadena under an Energy Storage Agreement (ESA). The ESA would include an option for Pasadena to purchase the BESS at the Commissioned Operating Date (COD), the second year after COD, or the fifth year after COD and any succeeding years.
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City of Pasadena Glenarm BESS Project
City of Pasadena Glenarm BESS Project