SCH Number 2024080684

Project Info

Chick-fil-A West 13th & Centre City Project
The project proposes to demolish an existing restaurant building and construct a new Chick-fil-A restaurant with a dual lane drive-through, associated surface parking improvements, and landscaping improvements. The new Chick-fil-A restaurant would be a 3,124 square-foot (gross area), one-story building (up to 22 feet in height). The new restaurant would have an outdoor dining area (48 outdoor seats [including three Americans with Disabilities Act-compliant seats]), kitchen area, and service area.
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3 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Escondido Chick-fil-A West 13th & Centre City Project
City of Escondido Chick-fil-A West 13th & Centre City Project
City of Escondido Chick-fil-A West 13th & Centre City Project