SCH Number 2024080411
Project Info
- Title
- Miller Vineyard Conversion Agricultural Erosion Control Plan P22-00153-ECPA
- Description
- The proposed project involves the clearing of vegetation, earthmoving, and installation and maintenance of erosion control measures associated with the development of approximately 7.0 gross acres of new vineyard (i.e., development area, proposed clearing limits; approximately 4.6 new net acres of vines and legalization of 1.0 acres of existing vineyards for a total of 5.6 net acres of vines) within four (4) vineyard blocks (3 new and 1 existing), located on an approximate 28.77-acre parcel (i.e., project site). Average slopes within the development area range from 13 percent (%) to 23%, with 0.08 acres occurring on slopes over 30%. Trees within the proposed vineyards block were severely impacted by the 2020 Glass fire and a Notice of Emergency Timber Operations was granted in 2021 under Emergency Notice 1 – 21EM-00105 NAP for the removal of dead and dying trees on the subject property. A Timber Harvest Permit (THP) is also currently under process for approval by CalFire for the harvesting of 4.5 acres of timberland and 1.5 acres of oak woodland to be permitted under the THP; this process will move forward once the ECP has been completed. Per new Bay Area Air Quality District Management District policies in regards to Green House Gas (GHG) emissions, the project is required to result in no net decrease in sequestration capabilities of the parcel. As such, the project has identified 5.4 acres of comparable mixed woodland habitat on slopes less than 30% to meet demonstrate no net loss in sequestration capabilities of the parcel post project. In total the applicant has identified 16.2 acres of douglas-fir forest and coast live oak woodland that will be permanently preserved, which includes 3.4 acres of land that will be planted with a mix of douglas-fir and native oaks as detailed in the proposed Tree Planting Plan. With the implementation of this replanting area, the preservation of said area, and the additional preservation of existing comparable vegetation canopy cover habitat the project is consistent with Napa County Code (NCC) 18.108.020.C, D and E and Policy CON-24 of the Conservation Element of the County of Napa General Plan. All temporary debris, vegetation, soil and soil amendment stockpiles and storage areas, if needed, will be located within the proposed vineyard development area and clearing limits. Rock generated as a result of site preparation will be disposed of within the development footprint and used for erosion control measures. Rock may also be process and used for lining existing roads within the vineyard development. Temporary rock stockpiles and staging areas would be located inside of proposed clearing limits. No grading activities or ground disturbance would occur outside of the proposed clearing limits other the replanting activities that will be done by hand and result in nominal ground disturbance. The vineyard would be irrigated with water sourced from an existing groundwater well, and pipelines would be located in existing roadways, proposed vineyard avenues and/or within the proposed clearing limits. There is existing deer fencing surrounding the property and no changes to the existing fencing is proposed as part of this project. No onsite chemical storage or mixing will occur, and all cleaning and washing of equipment will occur offsite as well. All roads required to provide access to the project site are existing and no new roads are planned as part of this project.
2 documents in project