SCH Number 2024080397

Project Info

PLNP2023-00249 Bradshaw Rd-Elder Creek Rd Rezone
The project requests the following entitlements from the County of Sacramento: 1. A General Plan Amendment to change the land use designation from Agricultural-Urban Reserve (URB RES) Aggregate Resource Area to Commercial and Offices (COMM/OFF). 2. A Community Plan Amendment to change the Vineyard Community Plan land use designation from Industrial Reserve/Surface Mining Combining Zone (IR(SM)) to General Commercial (GC). 3. A Rezone from Interim-Agricultural Reserve/Surface Mining Combining Zone (IR(SM)) to General Commercial (GC). 4. A Use Permit for a truck and large vehicle storage facility. 5. A Design Review to determine substantial compliance with the Sacramento County Countywide Design Guidelines (Design Guidelines). The proposed project is requesting a change from the prior Use Permit which only allows for heavy equipment storage. The proposed General Plan, Community Plan, Rezone and Use Permit will allow for a change in use to allow the storage of tractor-trailer/semi-truck and large vehicles not associated with construction. The project site is fully developed with driveway, paving, gravel parking, light standards, landscaping and fencing. The applicant intends to use the existing site improvements and no further site modifications are proposed.
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Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Sacramento County PLNP2023-00249 Bradshaw Rd-Elder Creek Rd Rezone
Sacramento County PLNP2023-00249 Bradshaw Rd-Elder Creek Rd Rezone